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În contextul serialului nostru despre Rețeaua Soros în România, pornit ca urmare a dezvăluirilor Elenei Udrea, reproducem în original, în limba engleză, din analele Congresului SUA, câteva date importante despre biografia mogului globalist.

Citiți și SOROS i-a cerut personal lui Băsescu să o susțină pe Macovei, inclusiv la prezidențiale. Elena Udrea confirmă din închisoare ceea ce noi afirmasem încă de atunci. REȚEAUA SOROS, trafic de influență la greu pentru actuala penală. VIDEO

REȚEAUA SOROS ÎN ROMÂNIA. De la Pleșu, Patapievici și Tismăneanu la Weber, Mungiu și Macovei

LISTA LUI SOROS. Cine sunt oamenii care au schimbat România, cu sau fără voia noastră: miniștri, demnitari de rang înalt, jurnaliști

Monica Macovei, fantoma lui Soros în România - INVESTIGAȚIE DIN SUA

[Congressional Record Volume 152, Number 125 (Friday, September 29, 2006)]

[Extensions of Remarks]
[Pages E1917-E1918]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office []



                          HON. MARK E. SOUDER

                               of Indiana

                    in the House of Representatives

                      Thursday, September 28, 2006

  Mr. SOUDER. Mr. Speaker, George Soros is one of the most
controversial figures in American politics, and I think it is important
for American families to focus on what George Soros has said about
himself, what George Soros has said about his objectives, and where
George Soros has spent his money to influence public opinion. Supreme
Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis once wrote that ``the best disinfectant
is sunshine,'' and it is in that spirit that I submit ``The Guilt-Free
Record of George Soros'' to be printed in the Congressional Record.

                 The Guilt-Free Record of George Soros

       ``I am basically there to--to make money. I cannot and do
     not look at the social consequences of--of what I do.''
     George Soros, commenting on being blamed for the financial
     collapse of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan and Russia.
     ``He can move world financial markets simply by voicing an
     opinion or destabilize a government by buying and selling its
     currency . . . [W]hen he saw cracks in the Asia boom, he
     began selling the currency in Thailand. Traders in Hong Kong
     followed suit, triggering a financial crisis that plunged
     much of Asia into a depression. (``George Soros,'' 60 Minutes
     interview transcript, December 20, 1998)
       ``I don't feel guilty. Because I'm engaged in an amoral
     activity which is not meant to have anything to do with
     guilt.'' George Soros, commenting on his actions in the
     currency markets. (``George Soros,'' 60 Minutes interview
     transcript, December 20, 1998)
       Soros Convicted of Insider-Trading, Ordered to Pay $2.8
     million. ``George Soros's bid to overturn an insider-trading
     conviction has been rejected by France's highest appeals
     court, ending the billionaire's fight to erase a legal stain
     on his 40-year investing career. The Court of Cassation, the
     tribunal of last resort in France, ended its review of a
     March 2005 judgment that Soros broke insider-trading laws
     when he bought Societe Generale SA shares in 1988 with the
     knowledge that the bank might be a takeover target. Soros had
     been ordered to pay back 2.2 million euros ($2.8 million) in
     gains.'' (Gabriele Parussini, ``Soros Insider-Trading
     Conviction Upheld by Paris Appeals Court,'' Bloomberg, June
     14, 2006)
       Soros: ``No Sense of Guilt'' for Confiscating Property from
     Jews in Nazi-occupied Budapest. ``But there was no sense that
     I shouldn't be there, because that was--well, actually, in a
     funny way, it's just like in markets--that if I weren't
     there--of course, I wasn't doing it, but somebody else would
     . . . be taking it away anyhow . . . whether I was there or
     not, I was only a spectator, the property was being taken
     away. So the--I had no role in taking away that property. So
     I had no sense of guilt.'' (``George Soros,'' 60 Minutes
     interview transcript, December 20, 1998)
       Extended quotation from the 60 Minutes transcript follows:
     ``When the Nazis occupied Budapest in 1944, George Soros'
     father was a successful lawyer. He lived on an island in the
     Danube and liked to commute to work in a rowboat. But knowing
     there were problems ahead for the Jews, he decided to split
     his family up. He bought them forged papers and he bribed a
     government official to take 14-year-old George Soros in and
     swear that he was his Christian godson. But survival carried
     a heavy price tag. While hundreds of thousands of Hungarian
     Jews were being shipped off to the death camps, George Soros
     accompanied his phony godfather on his appointed rounds,
     confiscating property from the Jews.
       (Vintage footage of Jews walking in line; man dragging
     little boy in line)
       KROFT: (Voiceover) These are pictures from 1944 of what
     happened to George Soros' friends and neighbors.
       (Vintage footage of women and men with bags over their
     shoulders walking; crowd by a train)
       KROFT: (Voiceover) You're a Hungarian Jew . . .
       Mr. SOROS: (Voiceover) Mm-hmm.
       KROFT: (Voiceover) . . . who escaped the Holocaust . . .
       (Vintage footage of women walking by train)
       Mr. SOROS: (Voiceover) Mm-hmm.
       (Vintage footage of people getting on train)
       KROFT: (Voiceover) . . . by--by posing as a Christian.
       Mr. SOROS: (Voiceover) Right.
       (Vintage footage of women helping each other get on train;
     train door closing with people in boxcar)
       KROFT: (Voiceover) And you watched lots of people get
     shipped off to the death camps.
       Mr. SOROS: Right. I was 14 years old. And I would say that
     that's when my character was made.
       KROFT: In what way?
       Mr. SOROS: That one should think ahead. One should
     understand and--and anticipate events and when--when one is
     threatened. It was a tremendous threat of evil. I mean, it
     was a--a very personal experience of evil.
       KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this
     protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted
       Mr. SOROS: Yes. Yes.
       KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of
     property from the Jews.
       Mr. SOROS: Yes. That's right. Yes.
       KROFT: I mean, that's--that sounds like an experience that
     would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many,
     many years. Was it difficult?
       Mr. SOROS: Not--not at all. Not at all. Maybe as a child
     you don't--you don't see the connection. But it was--it
     created no--no problem at all.
       KROFT: No feeling of guilt?
       Mr. SOROS: No.
       KROFT: For example that, ``I'm Jewish and here I am,
     watching these people go. I could just as easily be there. I
     should be there.'' None of that?
       Mr. SOROS: Well, of course I c--I could be on the other
     side or I could be the one from whom the thing is being taken
     away. But there was no sense that I shouldn't be there,
     because that was--well, actually, in a funny way, it's just
     like in markets--that if I weren't there--of course, I wasn't
     doing it, but somebody else would--would--would be taking it
     away anyhow. And it was the--whether I was there or not, I
     was only a spectator, the property was being taken away. So
     the--I had no role in taking away that property. So I had
     no sense of guilt.'' (``George Soros,'' 60 Minutes
     interview transcript, December 20, 1998).
       Soros Said That President Bush's Statements Remind Him of
     Nazi Slogans. `` `When I hear Bush say, `You're either with
     us or against us,' it reminds me of the Germans.' It conjures
     up memories, he said, of Nazi slogans on the walls, Der Feind
     Hort mit (`The enemy is listening'). `My experiences under
     Nazi and Soviet rule have sensitized me,' he said in a soft
     Hungarian accent.' '' (Laura Blumenfeld, ``Soros's Deep
     Pockets vs. Bush,'' The Washington Post, November 11, 2003).
       Soros Is the Primary Financier of Left-Wing Causes. Tax
     records of Soros' Open Society Institute show contributions
     of: $4.41 million to the American Civil Liberties Union and
     its state affiliates; $500,000 to the Pro-Choice Education
     Project to launch a (pro-abortion rights) ``public education
     and media strategy;'' $100,000 to Catholics for a Free
     Choice, an allegedly Catholic group that advocates for
     abortion rights; $100,000 to the Death Penalty Information
     Center, an organization that works against capital
     punishment; $100,000 to the Pennsylvania Coalition to Save
     Lives Now ``to support needle exchange programs,'' $80,000
     over three years to the Gay Straight Alliance Network, to
     promote ``a traveling photo documentary exhibit by lesbian,
     gay, transgender, queer and questioning youth;'' $35,000 to
     the Abortion Access Project. (Jeff Johnson, ``George Soros''
     $30M Welfare Check,'', April 26, 2005).
       The Soros Prostitution Agenda. Open Society Institute
     (OSI), a foundation funded and controlled by George Soros,
     sued the United States Agency for International Development
     (USAID) ``over requirement that recipients of federal AIDS
     grants pledge to oppose prostitution. The group would be the
     second charity to challenge the policy, which AIDS activists
     say stigmatizes prostitutes and makes it harder to fight the
     disease.'' In June 2006, Open Society Institute published a
     study entitled ``Sex Workers Health and Rights: Where is the
     Funding?'' The report highlighted the role of OSI and various
     Soros foundations, in financing ``a large number of sex
     workers organizations'' and attacked the Bush Administration
     policy for refusing to fund such groups. OSI received at
     least $30 million between 1998 and 2003 from the federal
     government, mostly from the State Department. (Wall Street
     Journal, September 23, 2005; Open Society Institute webpages,
       Soros Called the War on Drugs a ``Fantasy'' and More
     Harmful Than Drugs Themselves. ``Tilting the balance against
     the drug warriors side is a short piece by Howard Fineman on
     the activities of George Soros. The billionaire financier,
     who calls the drug war `a fantasy' and says it does more harm
     to America than drugs themselves, has spent big money pushing
     his position that we should treat drug abuse as a medical
     problem, not a criminal one.'' (Bill Steigerwald, ``Newsweek
     Wants A Drug Debate,'' Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, January 30,
       Soros is Major Financier Behind Drug Legalization Groups.
     In 1994, Soros pledged $4 million over five years to the
     Lindesmith Center, a pro-marijuana legalization think-tank
     that merged with the Drug Policy Foundation to form the Drug
     Policy Alliance, which supports legalization of marijuana for
     ``medical'' purposes, repealing mandatory minimum sentences
     for drug offenses, ending imprisonment for drug possession.
     (Neil Hrab, ``George Soros' Social Agenda for America,''
     Capital Research Center's Foundation Watch, http://
       Soros Heavily Financed Drug Legalization Efforts For
     Marijuana. ``And the award for best supporting role goes to
     billionaire George Soros, the Daddy Warbucks of drug
     legalization. He doesn't reside in either state [Arizona or
     California], but he bankrolled both efforts. . . . Most money
     used to buy misleading TV ads for both referenda came from
     out of state. In Arizona, as of the most

[[Page E1918]]

     recent reporting date (May 31), of $300,490 contributed to
     support Prop. 200, only $490 came from in state. The
     remaining $300,000 came from out of state, $200,000 of it
     from the Drug Policy Foundation--a pet charity of George
     Soros'--and the other $100,000 came directly from Soros
     himself.'' (Joseph A. Califano Jr., ``Pro-Drug Campaigns'
     Hidden Agenda,'' Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, December 22, 1996)
       Soros Helped Finance a Pro-Marijuana Children's Book. ``Dr.
     Robert Newman, served on the Board of Directors for the Drug
     Policy Foundation as early as 1997, and presently serves on
     the board of directors with another minority witness, Rev.
     Edwin Sanders, of the Drug Policy Alliance (the new name of
     the Drug Policy Foundation since its merger with the
     aforementioned Lindesmith Center). The Drug Policy Alliance
     describes itself as ``the nation's leading organization
     working to end the war on drugs.'' Along with its major donor
     George Soros, it helped produce It's Just a Plant, a
     promarijuana children's book. I will be very interested in
     learning from the witnesses today what they believe U.S.
     Government policy should be with respect to financing heroin
     distribution, safe-injection facilities, and how-to manuals
     like H Is For Heroin, published by the Harm Reduction
     Coalition, and children's books on smoking marijuana,
     produced with the help of the organization run by two of the
     minority's witnesses today.'' (Mark Souder, opening
     statement, ``Harm Reduction or Harm Maintenance: Is There
     Such a Thing as Safe Drug Abuse?'', hearing before the
     Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human
     Resources, February 16, 2005,
       Soros and Two Friends give $450,000 to ``take apart
     [California's] criminal justice system one step at a time.''
     ``International financier George Soros and two other wealthy
     donors have contributed a total of $450,000 for a November
     ballot measure that would alter California's tough three
     strikes sentencing law . . . The donation marks the third
     time that this trio has backed criminal justice measures
     in California. In 1996, the three gave money to pass
     Proposition 215, which sought to legalize marijuana for
     medical uses. In 2000, they supported the successful
     Proposition 36, which diverts drug offenders from prison
     to treatment.'' (Bill Ainsworth, ``$450,000 to help try to
     weaken law,'' San Diego Union-Tribune, September 14,
       Soros Effort To Infiltrate the U.S. Conservative Movement.
     ``The scheduled Friday CPAC event on ``A Conservative Drug
     Policy'' was to feature a mini-debate between Ethan Nadelmann
     of the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) and Calvina Fay. The
     ``moderator,'' hardly unbiased, was scheduled to be Rob
     Kampia of the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP). The Soros Open
     Society Institute has given the DPA millions of dollars,
     including $2.5 million in 2004 alone. MPP has been funded by
     Soros as well as Peter Lewis, chairman of the Progressive
     Corporation, who was arrested in New Zealand several years
     ago after customs officers found marijuana in his luggage.
     Lewis, who gave $340,000 to MPP in 2004, is also a major
     funder of the ACLU.'' (Mark Souder, Congressional Record,
     insertion in the record of article by Cliff Kincaid, February
     8, 2006,
       Soros Support of Lynne Stewart, Lawyer to Terrorists.
     ``George Soros funds many controversial projects, some
     extreme projects. One quick example is the $20,000 that went
     from his Open Society Institute to the Lynne Stewart Legal
     Committee. Lynne Stewart was the attorney who represented the
     blind sheik who was involved in the first bombing of the
     World Trade Centers and was later convicted for aiding and
     abetting his activities while in prison.'' (Peter Flaherty of
     the National Legal and Policy Center, O'Reilly Factor, May
     20, 2005, relying on Open Society Institute IRS Form 990
     filings. Byron York, ``Soros Funded Stewart Defense,''
     National Review, February 17, 2005.)
       Soros Attacks ``War on Terror,'' Compares Bush
     Administration to Nazis. Soros told an audience at the
     Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, ``We are working
     with a very false frame when we talk about a `war on terror,'
     and yet it is universally accepted.'' He added, ``President
     Bush is exploiting it even further ahead of these elections .
     . . I would voice my concerns about the similarities between
     this administration and the Nazis and communist regimes.''
     (Monisha Bansal, ``Soros Slams Terror 'War,' Compares White
     House to Nazis,'', September 15, 2006.)
       Soros To Encourage a U.S./Europe Split. ``Soros, the
     Hungarian-American financier who has historically invested
     his billions in encouraging democracy in eastern block
     countries, is turning his attention to Western Europe because
     he thinks the EU is failing. Soros is to invest hundreds of
     millions of dollars in foundations, the first of which will
     be either in London or Paris.'' Soros: ``The practical
     message for Europeans is that the world really needs a strong
     European Union with a mission which is different to America's
     priorities.'' (Rupert Stein, ``Soros lays foundations to
     restore EU purpose,'' The Scotsman, July 15, 2006.)

