BEAUTIES AND THE VACCINE. News from Underground: Guitarist Ryan Castaldi has Stage 3 cancer; Peloton instructor Leanne Hainsby has breast cancer; Tik Tok star Ban Grosskopf, 14, has lymphoma; 7th grader with 2 cardiac arrests. ENGLISH

Influencer „Jenny 69” hospitalized after mysterious „near-death experience” @ A woman has a „medical emergency” aboard a JetBlue flight from NYC to Ft. Lauderdale @ A high school football star in Colorado „needs a new heart after a major heart attack” @ A healthy young nurse in New Mexico has a stroke right after chiropractic treatment @ A Massachusetts 7th-grader has two cardiac arrests.
MSNBC Anchor Hospitalized With Severe Myocarditis, Pericarditis
January 31, 2023

An MSNBC anchor revealed in a recent segment that she was hospitalized with heart inflammation in December, leading her to miss work for about a month. Yasmin Vossoughian said that the health scare started on Dec. 20 when she started to experience chest pains that „waxed and waned over a period of 10 days.”„Those pains „continued to get worse” over the coming days, she added. The anchor, who hosts a weekend program on the left-wing network, said she went to urgent care on Dec. 30 and was told she had acid reflux. A day later, she woke up with severe chest pains and pain in her left shoulder, leading her to believe she was suffering from a heart attack. Vossoiughian, 44, said she went to the emergency room. Doctors diagnosed her with pericarditis, or inflammation of the lining of the heart. They claimed it was caused by "a literal common cold,” she said.
Se added that she doesn’t smoke, she runs several miles per week, does yoga, doesn’t eat meat, and drinks occasionally. „I’m a pretty healthy person,” she said.
Currents Guitarist Ryan Castaldi Diagnosed With Stage 3 Cancer
January 26, 2023

Currents have revealed that guitarist Ryan Castaldi has been diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer, and that a GoFundMe account has been set up to help the musician with his medical costs. According to a post, the musician was diagnosed in November of 2022 and started his treatment late last month. With at least two more years of treatment ahead, the GoFundMe fundraiser is seeking to raise $60,000 to help out with the guitarist's medial bills. Currents statement on the matter can be read in full below.
Popular Peloton Instructor Shares Health Update Following Unexpected Diagnosis
January 29, 2023

35-year-old Leanne Hainsby recently revealed she was diagnosed with breast cancer in August 2022. The popular Peloton instructor, 35, took to social media this week to give an update on her health after she unexpectedly received a breast cancer diagnosis in August 2022. „Here goes…," Hainsby captioned her Instagram post, which featured an image of her receiving treatment in a medical facility. She also included a series of slides that detailed what has been going on with her health. „Two days before my best friend’s funeral, I found a lump in my breast," she wrote. "That really is a sentence I NEVER imagined writing."
TikTok Star Ben Grosskopf Announces He Has Lymphoma in a New Video
January 26, 2023

Young TikTok star Ben Grosskopf has amassed millions of followers at just 14 years old. Most of his videos are lighthearted and highlight his adventures around the globe as a native of Toronto, Canada. However, recently, he shared a video with fans that was more serious. In a Tik Tok video on Jan. 23, 2023, Ben announced that he had been diagnosed with cancer. Here's everything we know about Ben's condition and his health journey so far.
In a video captioned „Let's talk" and posted on Jan. 23, 2023, Ben spoke from a hospital bed. He said, "If you've been following my TikToks for a while now, you might've known that I've been in and out of the hospital a little bit kinda just like testing for what I have." Ben then explained he has been diagnosed with lymphoma.
Lisa Rinna's daughter Delilah Hamlin details struggle with autoimmune illness
January 28, 2023

Delilah Hamlin shared a candid look into her health issues. The daughter of Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin took to her Instagram to share a glimpse into what she has been dealing with recently—off the grid.
„I haven't really spoken on my health lately & if you're new here you're probably confused but for the past few years I've been struggling with autoimmune/ chronic illness issues that I've been silently battling and overcoming," she wrote on her Instagram Stories on Jan. 24 alongside a photo of an IV in her arm. „It's definitely been tough mentally alongside physically. I've kind of kept quiet because I don't want to be put in a 'sick' role." Delilah—who has previously opened up about her battle with Lyme disease and the Epstein–Barr virus—went on to explain why she chose to share more about her health conditions on social media.
The model added, „I've faced a lot, overcome a lot, and I know that I'm going through this for a reason and that reason is to share what I've gone through and what I've learned with you."
As recently as January 9, Hamlin seemed fabulously healthy, as reported by the Daily Mail:
Delilah Hamlin shows off her toned physique and sings in the studio in new social media post... after her mother
Lisa Rinna announced exit from RHOBH
January 9, 2023
Delilah Hamlin showed off her toned frame, time in the studio and her recent outfits in a sizzling new social media post on Monday. On Monday, the 24-year-old daughter of Harry Hamlin and Lisa Rinna looked incredible in a racy bikini before sharing a snap of herself in the studio.

In her latest post, the social media personality shared a few bikini photos as well as self-portraits in the car.
Kane Brown „Very Sick”, Cancels Additional Tour Date
January 30, 2023

Kane Brown canceled a second-straight date on his European tour, effectively bringing the trek to a premature end. Doctors say the singer won't be able to perform by Tuesday night (Jan. 31), meaning his show in Stockholm, Sweden, has been canceled. This comes after he scrapped a Jan. 29 show slated for Berlin, Germany.
„Man, when sickness brings you to tears," he tweeted on Sunday. "Like WTF."
Natalie Stovall Opens Up About Her Health After 15 Days In The Hospital
January 26, 2023

Natalie Stovall opened up about her 15-day stint in the hospital and her road to recovery in an Instagram post on Thursday (January 26).
Stovall, of beloved country trio Runaway June, posted a series of photos from inside Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. Stovall shared that she went into the hospital on January 9, "to remove 3 large grapefruit-sized fibroids + any that were close by and ‘easy’ to remove. Once they got in there, they took out 20 fibroids total. Even left a few in there because my surgeon was trying to make the fewest cuts on my uterus as possible,” she said.
„It’s been quite the ride,” Stovall said as she shared her story. She went on to say: "I lost a lot of blood during surgery but even though I’m young and healthy my body just wouldn’t bounce back. I ended up getting a blood transfusion but by that time I already had a bowel obstruction that was wreaking havoc on my insides. After days of hoping for the best I ended up having to have an NG tube for 4-5 days. (For those that know, I’m so sorry you know…) I went 13 days without eating. And a total of 15 in the hospital at Vanderbilt where I can’t even begin to brag on my caretakers enough. And my family. Oh, my family and friends. They were all rock solid and got me through.
"I feel so incredibly thankful to be at home and starting to heal,” Stovall continued. "It was so scary and painful but at the same time I just think about how fortunate I am that it wasn’t something more long term or serious. I’ve never been this weak before - I get out of breath just talking. And eating Ensure’s and eggs is so painful. But each time gets better. Thank you all for your prayers. I am going to be focused on recovery so I can get back to all the things and people I love. But I think it’s so important to share these stories with one another. I didn’t even know what a fibroid was until I was diagnosed with a whole bushel of em in my belly. ”
Clemson guard Brevin Galloway details bizarre injury: „My balls exploded”
January 27, 2023

Clemson basketball guard Brevin Galloway added some painful details to what the university labeled an „abdominal issue” Thursday night.
Galloway doesn’t know why "my balls and my nut sack were exploded.” All Galloway did was lift in the morning and take a nap. Then, just three hours later, he had undergone surgery to reduce his testicles back to their normal size.„I don’t know what happened to my balls,” Galloway said in a video posted to his Instagram. "I guess they were trying to be like basketballs. „But we made it. Now, I’m going to be spoiled for the next 48 hours, and I will be back in a uniform shortly.”
Influencer Jenny 69 Was Hospitalized After a "Near-Death Experience"
January 26, 2023

Fans are clamoring for more information about social media star Jenny 69 following the news that she had been hospitalized after a "near-death experience."
Jenny announced the news on her own social media feed. Following the announcement, many people want to learn as much as they can about Jenny's current condition and how she wound up in the hospital in the first place. Here's what we know.
The news that Jenny 69, whose real name is Jennifer Ruiz, was hospitalized first broke when she posted about her ordeal in her Instagram Stories. The post came on Jan. 25, 2023, and explained that Jenny had been in the hospital for the past three days. She didn't offer any details, but said that the experience had left her "genuinely traumatized." Whatever happened to her, it must have been pretty terrible.
Man helps save woman aboard JetBlue flight after she suffers mid-air medical emergency
January 26, 2023
A passenger aboard a flight from New York City to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is being credited with saving a fellow passenger's life after she experienced a medical emergency.
The routine JetBlue flight from LaGuardia Airport to Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport took a terrifying turn when a woman suddenly fainted in the aisle as the crew was handing out drinks. A passenger on the plane said the woman collapsed about an hour into the flight and the pilot was preparing to make an emergency landing when a man stepped up to help the ailing woman. The woman was said to be conscious and talking when the plane landed. An ambulance reportedly met the plane after it landed, and emergency personnel boarded the flight to take the woman off first.
High School Football Star in Need of a New Heart After a Major Heart attack
January 23, 2023
A local high school football player is fighting for his life after suffering a massive heart attack in November, and he is asking the general public for help. Markus Martinez, a former Columbine High School football star and now senior at Bear Creek High School, suffered a major heart attack Thursday, November 17, 2022. According to a fundraising campaign created for Markus, the doctors were successful in removing some of the blood clots, but not all of them. Now, Markus’ left ventricular heart muscle has been permanently damaged. UCHealth cardiologists have recommended that he undergo a heart transplant because his heart is only functioning at 12–15% capacity. Although the family does not know what caused this, they remain hopeful and are providing Markus with the best care possible. According to Steven, everyone in the family was shocked upon hearing the news of Markus’ sudden heart attack. "I just couldn’t believe it was happening to someone so young and athletic,” Steven said.
7th grader awake after suffering 2 cardiac arrests, medically-induced coma
January 18, 2023
Holyoke, Mass. - A seventh grader in Massachusetts is now awake after she suffered two cardiac arrest episodes and entered a coma for a half a week. After Nevaeh Vieira spent four days in a medically induced coma, her mother, Krissy Vieira, told WGGB that her daughter is expected to make a full recovery. The seventh grader collapsed in her mother’s bedroom last weekend after complaining of chest pains.
Fit and healthy gym-going nurse, 29, suffers a stroke after chiropractor performs simple procedure
January 24, 2023
A YOUNG and healthy woman suffered a life-threatening stroke after a chiropractor cracked her neck. Mariah Bond, 29, visited a chiropractor for the first time in April 2021 - which she hoped would cure her stiff neck. But after a routine treatment, involving her neck being "cracked" both ways she became "super dizzy".
„Then I started throwing up and I couldn't stop, it was just constant," Maria from New Mexico, US added. When her husband came to pick her up, the dental assistant's hand started to tingle and the chiropractor advised her to go to urgent care.
Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at NYU. Founder of
News from Underground. Author of numerous books, including Boxed In, The
Bush Dyslexicon, and Fooled Again.
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Secțiuni: English Externe Prima pagină Știri
Persoane: Anthony Fauci Ben Grosskopf Brevin Galloway Delilah Hamlin Kane Brown Leanne Hainsby Mark Crispin Miller Natalie Stovall Ryan Castaldi Yasmin Vossoughian
Locații: SUA
Subiecte: atac de cord atac de cord dupa vaccinul Covid boli autoimune campania de vaccinare cancere in urma vaccinului mRNA covid efecte adverse reacții adverse vaccin vaccin - cancer
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